This project was also about progression throughout a project. We started with nine words like stable, centered, and dynamic and had to use a single dot in a square to represent each word. From there we took four lines and interacted them to represent the words. We had to choose two to continue with for the project. These were my two, tension and unstable.
We took these two and built them into 3D models. We played with the shapes and sizes of each line. These are my final two models.
The next step was to combine the two models into one model. I took elements from each and incorporated them into one idea.
The curving shape I used is from the radiation in my tension model. I used the intersection from my unstable model and mixed it with the shapes from my tension model.
From there we had to cut a form from the middle of the model. I took a cylindrical shape and gratiated the sides so it went from smaller to larger.
Next we changed the proportion of one piece and added color.
I made the rectangular piece on the left taller. In return this made the trapezoid shapes fall into the background and become not as noticeable. Because of this I added color to these two shapes to help them stand out. I chose red-orange and blue-green because they are complimentary colors and one is warm and one is cool. I chose to put the red-orange on the broken piece because it helped it stand out even more. If I had made the solid one red-orange it would have been overwhelming.
The final step was very difficult. We made a serial plane out of the form we had been creating. This was the first shape I created.
After I put it together I felt like the pointy shape didn't represent my form very well. It felt like too much of a shift between shapes, so I decided to make the shapes more rectangular. This is the final model viewed from both sides.
After analyzing the shape I realized I couldn't incorporate the cylinder that I cut out, because the tops of each plane would be floating, which is impossible. I decided to just take the idea of it, so I cut a sphere shape from the side.
We put all models together on one board to show the progression from each step.